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Traffic? Let’s take the example of an unvisited clothing store. You had an excellent start but had the misfortune that the location was not very visible (and you forgot to advertise it). Result: 0 ... Time to take some action. Find out where your customers are and how to convince them to come to your store.

The purpose of this workshop is to ensure that your website is found and visited. 

It is important to know on which platforms your customers or prospects are active. Do they google? Do they visit specialized websites? Are they mainly active on social media? As soon as we know this, we can analyze the keywords they use. The next step is focused on writing a catchy message that triggers your prospects to click onto your website.

Our approach

We need your input to answer these questions. Combine that with our specialisms and you have an interactive session that ultimately results in a mini business plan. This plan clearly states what the revenue will be per campaign, based on a revenue of 4 to 10 times more than the costs. Sharing knowledge is the main goal. 

Contacting us is all it takes to get started. See you soon!


Want to know all ins & outs?
Contact Bas.


The immensely popular search engine is inevitable in your day. We are happy to tell you how you can include search engine optimization, or SEO (Search Engine Optimization) in your marketing formula as standard.